Recycling = Patriotism

Once upon a time it was a patriotic action to recycle things.

Boy Scouts distributed posters urging recycling during World War II - National Scouting Museum via National Archives

Boy Scouts distributed posters urging recycling during World War II - National Scouting Museum via National Archives

Once upon a time the nation’s future hinged on the ability of Americans to conserve resources and energy sources, especially gasoline.  So Americans, from the president to the lowliest boy, united to urge Americans to recycle rubber, metal, rags and paper.  It was the patriotic thing to do.

Make it do or do without - poster encouraging recycling and conservation for World War II

Make it do or do without - poster encouraging recycling and conservation for World War II

Did the recycling make significant contributions to the resources necessary to win the war?  A few argue that the value of the campaigns was uniting people toward a common goal.  But there were some clear connections between recycling of some products and the resources delivered to soldiers at the front that aided their fighting.

In the Pacific, Japan cut off U.S. access to rubber in Indochina.  Rubber from South America and Africa could be intercepted in shipping by German u-boats.  Metal refining from ores required more energy than refining from scrap.  Although the U.S. entered the war as the world’s leading petroleum exporting nation, gasoline and Diesel fuel supplies were precious for airplanes, tanks and other machines directly supporting the troops.

Recycling was patriotic in every possible meaning of the word.

Is it really a news flash?  Recycling is still the patriotic thing to do.

Waster paper made the boxes in which blood plasma was shipped to battlefield hospitals and medics

Waster paper made the boxes in which blood plasma was shipped to battlefield hospitals and medics

So the anti-green drive against recycling, demonstrated by Green Hell, tells us that the campaign against environmental concern, against environmental protection, against Al Gore, and against Rachel Carson, is not in our national interest.

What the hell?  They’re pro-garbage? Who in the world pays for this campaign Milloy runs, Vladimir Putin?  Vlad the Impaler?


10 Responses to Recycling = Patriotism

  1. […] first one featured pure crankery, often, from Christopher Monckton and Steven Milloy, two people who have made careers out of pissing in the soup of science.  The second conference […]


  2. Abbass Zammanni says:

    Thanks Ed!


  3. Ed Darrell says:

    I figured out how to get a Digg link, but it’s a pain in about 12 steps. Thanks for asking, though — I’ll see if someone’s figured out how to do it more easily.


  4. Abbass Zammanni says:

    no, I mean on most blogger sites, there is an option that says “share” and it will list options like posting it to Digg or Facebook etc… so as to spread the message


  5. Ed Darrell says:

    I’m not sure what you’re trying to do — quote this stuff without linking here? Or is it Green Hell you don’t want to link to?

    Copy what you want to Notebook or clipboard, and copy it from there to your post. Or you can take the links out manually.

    I hope you’re not trying to post without offering appropriate, proper and legally-required attribution.


  6. Abbass Zammanni says:

    Is there anyway to share this without posting a direct link?


  7. Nick Kelsier says:

    More likely that Goebbels ghost is currently possessing several right wing blowhards….


  8. Ed Darrell says:

    Good old American pride in our country, what used to be called patriotism, is now derided as “socialism” by right-wing crazies?

    Are we certain Goebbels is dead? Does anyone have the body to be sure?


  9. george.w says:

    I’ve been dumbfounded by anti-environmentalism. My dad raised me to fix things, waste as little as possible. We’d go to natural places and he’d repeat; “Take only pictures, leave only footprints.” Littering anywhere was simply unthinkable.

    Today, Glen Beck takes perverse pride in leaving his SUV running while he’s on the air. People won’t change a damn light bulb for their country (and don’t even mention the planet). No “sacrifice” is too small to scoff at and deride as Socialism.


  10. Mike says:

    Ed, those people at Green Hell are Crazy!


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