“White House hates Christmas” hoax season opens

Christmas gets underway at the White House, with a special guest appearance by Bo, the dog:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

One long-standing American Christmas tradition is the Christmas hoax about the president.  Probably the most famous, if not the first, was H. L. Mencken’s column in December 1917, in which he claimed Millard Fillmore a failure as president, whose only achievement was putting the first bathtub in the Executive Mansion — all of it make up, whole cloth fiction.

Since the election of Barack Obama we’ve seen claims that Obama had banned Christmas trees, claims that Obama required only Marxist and communist ornaments, and other wild stories that only a fool, a victim of lobotomy, a Bill O’Reilly fan or Michelle Bachmann would believe after the second cup of coffee in the morning.

What will the hoax claims be this year?  ABC posted this raw footage of the delivery of the Christmas tree, but that alone will not inoculate us from a Yule-tide hoax.

What atrocious inventions will the Obama-haters send our way this year?  If it’s a claim that there’s no tree, you know better already.  You’ve seen the video.


34 Responses to “White House hates Christmas” hoax season opens

  1. Ed Darrell says:


    It seems to me that, more and more, “conservative” means “willing to hurl insults,” especially to so-called conservatives. You claim I’m a liberal, and that liberals only bash Reagan, damn the facts.

    But then you bash liberals. What gives?

    My point in the post is that Obama-haters — those who bash Obama for no good reason — and especially those who see evil in everything Obama does, and those who invent hoaxes about Obama, will be trying to claim Obama played nasty with Christmas this year, as they have each Christmas since Obama assumed the office of president.

    You don’t fall into that category (I’m sayin’, but I don’t have evidence). As sure as your knee jerks when the physician strikes it, though, you bash Obama on anything you can. And as we’ve seen, much of what you claim has no more basis than the claim that Obama banned the phrase “Christmas Tree.”

    Back in my management days I spent lot of time learning the management side of union negotiation, focusing on plant floor unions, where quality is absolutely essential — like on the reconstruction of turbine fan blades for a jet engine on a passenger jet. Most of the good stuff boils down to, “Understand reality, where you are at the moment; create hope; move toward the vision.”

    You and so many self-proclaimed conservatives are stuck at the first part, not only failing to understand reality, but fighting such an understanding tooth and nail, hammer and tong.

    Reagan had a lot of really odd views, and he often seemed hallucinatory. See, for example, Lou Cannon’s excellent biography, in which he describes Reagan’s claiming that a movie he saw was reality, and using that movie story to establish his position on legislation. For the most part Reagan wasn’t crazy, not insane at all. When facts got through to him, he seemed to understand reality, he liked the process of buying in to created hope, and he especially liked to move forward. So Reagan signed the Home Health Care Act, the Organ Transplant Act and the Orphan Drug Act, to name three — based solely on his finally getting the facts on those issues and commanding an about face by the administration. Conservatives now fight to preserve all three of those programs, often claiming them to be examples of the triumph of free enterprise.

    We face several even greater crises now. We could sure use a guy like Reagan, a man of extremely conservative principles, who could be swayed by the facts to change his position to better reflect reality. We could use a few million guys able to do that, in fact.


  2. Alan Scott says:

    James Kessler,

    As with your compadre it is quite amusing that you far out lefties make your pathetic attempts to use Ronnie Raygun to bash today’s conservatives. That Reagan would not be conservative enough for today. Reagan had a lot to get done. He also had clowns like Tip O’Neil and fat boy Teddy Kennedy to deal with . Democrats had real power to block Reagan , so he had to throw them bones like spending gifts. When did a Democrat turn down a bribe like that ?

    Your revision of history does not mean a thing . Your sudden opinion that Reagan was not as crazy and hateful as today’s Tea Party. I remember those times. The truth is you guys looked at Reagan as the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Dick Cheney added together. The only Republican feared and hated more in the history of the universe than Ronald Reagan, was Richard Nixon .

    A few decades from now, you will be bashing some GOP politician and saying that the old Conservative and moderate Tea Partiers are dying out and the far right nuts are running the party.

    Your listing of Amnesty is the only piece of honesty. The fact that we still have illegals coming here is evidence that amnesty does not work .

    ” The Republicans will die out handing the Democrats sole control for at least a generation. Because that is exactly what happened to the Whigs. ”

    Your prediction is wishful thinking . In 2009 and 2010 you guys had more power than FDR. If you guys couldn’t hold onto that power then, what makes you believe you will get it back. You forget the flowery rhetoric and reckless promises you came into power with . When you failed to fix the economy and sent taxpayer money to your friends , you fell from a great height . Look at the rats leaving your ship. Barney Frank and 5 Democrat Senators are retiring.

    Those people would be lifers if they were going to have sole control .


  3. James Kessler says:

    Alan writes:
    I agree with you that that facts do not change. I find it amusing that you quote President Reagan. Isn’t he the Anti-Christ to you big government types ?

    The funny thing is, Alan, that Reagan did more to enlarge the government then pretty much any politician in the last 40 years.

    Well except for George W Bush with his department of homeland security and medicare part d and his sticking this country’s intelligent apparatuses into the common citizens lives and military detention of US citizens. Oh and Congress somehow getting involved in the Terry Schivao business.

    The funnier thing, Alan, is that if Reagan was alive today your party would kick him out in short order.

    Lets see what reagan did that your party throws fits at today:

    1: Reagan compromised. Oh granted he always blamed the Democrats for “forcing” him to compromise but compromise he did. Hell he even had the United States compromising with other countries like the former Soviet Union.

    2: Reagan ran up a huge deficit and then to deal with it he raised taxes twelve separate times. Including taxes on the rich.

    3: He expanded the earned income tax credit that your party so hates now.

    4: His policy of amnesty for illegal aliens

    5: His policy of negotatiating with the Soviet Union to lower the number of nuclear weapons on both sides.

    6: He raised the debt ceiling 18 separate times.

    7: And he hated what he called “professional conservatives” who as he said “want me to jump off the cliff with flag flying.”

    The fact of the matter is, Alan, that your party has moved so far to the right that simply put Reagan is no longer a conservative by your party’s current definition of the term. And as Reagan would no longer be a Republican then sure as hell the elder Bush and Nixon not to mention Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt, Goldwater, and Abraham Lincoln wouldn’t.

    All the great leaders of the Republican party, Alan, are all the people your party has abandoned and all because your party failed to realize that there is such a thing as too conservative…too reactionary.

    There is noone left in your party to lead except a bunch of cranks, crackpots and people who border on needing to be locked up for their and everyone elses protection. You have no moderates left and the old conservatives like Reagan and Dole are fading away.

    Much to my glee, Alan, your party is driving itself into irrelevency. Your party..the party I used to belong to, Alan, is becoming the Whigs 2.0.

    And the result will be the same. The Republicans will die out handing the Democrats sole control for at least a generation. Because that is exactly what happened to the Whigs.

    Of course you’ll sit there and bluster and deny that fact all you want but unelss your party gets its head out of the hole in the ground it buried it in and gets back to the center your party is dead.

    Even support for the “tea party” is fading like a 50 pound lead ball thrown into a deep lake.

    Your party’s march to the extreme right and demographics will see to that.


  4. Ed Darrell says:

    I agree with you that that facts do not change. I find it amusing that you quote President Reagan. Isn’t he the Anti-Christ to you big government types ?

    To Black Flag, perhaps. I was a Reagan appointee to the Department of Education. What you don’t know . . .

    To say that the New Deal worked from Day 1 is your interpretation of the facts.

    It’s a pretty straightforward, shared “interpretation” of the facts. Here’s the chart Krugman (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, 2008) shared in his post, “Partying like it’s 1931”:

    Industrial Production Index showing Great Depression Recovery starting at FDR's inauguration


  5. Alan Scott says:

    Ed Darrell,

    I agree with you that that facts do not change. I find it amusing that you quote President Reagan. Isn’t he the Anti-Christ to you big government types ? To say that the New Deal worked from Day 1 is your interpretation of the facts.

    Interpretations of facts change. Interpretations and opinions are not facts. The weighting of various facts to support an argument does not make that argument an absolute fact.

    ” At one time people believed the Earth to be flat; today, many people believe Columbus sailed in the face of the understanding that the world was flat. But the Earth is round, and most sailors, at least, well understood that by 1492. ”

    So those of us that say you are full of it are flat earthers ? Well you do realize that Columbus was no genius. Some of the people who were against him were right. Just not the flat earthers .You do realize that old Chris was not looking for America? He believed that he would hit Asia. He was the ultimate Capitalist. Well not really, more a crony capitalist.

    Anyway old Chris thought the Globe was smaller than it is . His expedition would have run out of food and water long before he hit Asia. He got incredibly lucky in finding land in the Caribbean before his whole group died. God put Islands and the Continents of North and South America right where Columbus needed them .

    ” Belief is superstition. Facts let one fix problems. That’s the difference. Alan chooses superstition, even in the face of the disproving facts. ”

    Facts did not discover America. Faith and Providence did . Columbus had his facts wrong and succeeded anyway. You are the Christopher Columbus of bloggers . Or maybe Obama was the Columbus of Presidential wannabes. Somehow God made him President.

    ” I challenged Alan to provide information to back up a claim he made. Rather than do that, he declares war on teachers, knowledge, and his colleagues.”

    I knew I should have saved my property tax bills from the 1980s.

    ” His beliefs are not grounded in what is, but what he wants to believe to justify his bias.) ”

    Do not ever look in the mirror. But you make one point I have to clarify. I did attack all public teachers, which is as blatantly unfair as when you guys blame all of the rich for the inequalities of America. I should have just attacked you as a defender of the system.

    An example: Say for argument that you and I are high school math teachers. We both equally can solve math problems, we both received identical scores on the tests that show we are competent . Now you are a wonderful teacher. If a kid wants to learn you can teach him almost anything . I on the other am terrible. The only kids who learn math in my class are the ones whose parents hire tutors. I will receive the same salary as you. When I retire I will get the same pension as you, even though I ruined hundreds of kids during my illustrious career, while your students prospered. That is the system, you defend.

    I can’t ‘ prove ‘ it happens, but yes it does.


  6. Ed Darrell says:

    Here’s the problem:

    Facts are funny things in today’s world . You would think not, but one man’s facts are another man’s falsehoods . You do not believe my facts or agree with me.

    As Ronald Reagan was fond of quoting John Adams, “Facts are stubborn things.”

    They don’t change.

    What I “believe” is not relevant; what the facts show is often the entire game. What do the facts show? Alan claims the New Deal didn’t work. The charts show it worked from Day 1.

    Alan prefers his belief to the facts, though

    I do however have an awful lot of people who believe what I believe and we are royally peeved at you and your’s . I originally used a more graphic word than peeved, but edited it .

    No doubt there are a lot of people who believe things contrary to the facts. At one time people believed the Earth to be flat; today, many people believe Columbus sailed in the face of the understanding that the world was flat. But the Earth is round, and most sailors, at least, well understood that by 1492.

    Belief is superstition. Facts let one fix problems. That’s the difference. Alan chooses superstition, even in the face of the disproving facts.

    About my knowledge of education policy, Alan said:

    I am not surprised. Me and mine believe that you and the whole education elite are arrogant bâtards. Me and mine being property taxpayers . We apparently work for you . We are to pay up and shut up .We do not really own our homes . We rent them from you . If we improve our homes, you raise our rent .

    Again, this is not just me . I know small businessmen who would just as soon spit on a teacher as shake their hand. Because while they struggle to keep their doors open, you guys just give yourselves raises and raise everyone’s taxes to pay for it.

    And then you block all constructive reforms, in the name of protecting the children, but it is really just to preserve your own monopoly .

    You just keep watching your 15,000 local school districts. They must look just wonderful looking down from on high. The view from the bottom is different .

    I challenged Alan to provide information to back up a claim he made. Rather than do that, he declares war on teachers, knowledge, and his colleagues.


    (Even more bizarre: I was preparing to concede I’d overstated the case. Alan reveals that the case and the facts don’t matter. His beliefs are not grounded in what is, but what he wants to believe to justify his bias.)


  7. Alan Scott says:

    Ed Darrell,

    Facts are funny things in today’s world . You would think not, but one man’s facts are another man’s falsehoods . You do not believe my facts or agree with me. I do however have an awful lot of people who believe what I believe and we are royally peeved at you and your’s . I originally used a more graphic word than peeved, but edited it .

    ” Alan, I’ve been in education policy for a long time. I’ve done education policy for the Utah State legislature, and I staffed the U.S. Senate committee that deals with education policy for most of a decade.”

    I am not surprised. Me and mine believe that you and the whole education elite are arrogant bâtards. Me and mine being property taxpayers . We apparently work for you . We are to pay up and shut up .We do not really own our homes . We rent them from you . If we improve our homes, you raise our rent .

    Again, this is not just me . I know small businessmen who would just as soon spit on a teacher as shake their hand. Because while they struggle to keep their doors open, you guys just give yourselves raises and raise everyone’s taxes to pay for it.

    And then you block all constructive reforms, in the name of protecting the children, but it is really just to preserve your own monopoly .

    You just keep watching your 15,000 local school districts. They must look just wonderful looking down from on high. The view from the bottom is different .


  8. Ed Darrell says:

    Alan, I’ve been in education policy for a long time. I’ve done education policy for the Utah State legislature, and I staffed the U.S. Senate committee that deals with education policy for most of a decade. I was there for the rollout of the Excellence in Education Commission report, which commission was headed by David P. Gardner, who I knew at the University of Utah (and his daughter was later an intern in my office). I was Director of Information Services for the old Office of Educational Research and Development, where I had the high privilege of working with Milt Goldberg, the executive director of the Excellence commission, and the privilege of publishing the first results of hard measures put on education. I’ve done nearly everything in education except get elected to a school board and drive a bus.

    I don’t want your home address, Social Security number or credit cards. None of them would verify the statement you made, which is contrary to my experience in watching the 15,000 local school districts we have in America since the 1980s.

    If you don’t have the facts, you don’t have them, and you can’t buy them even if your credit card is good.


  9. Alan Scott says:

    Ed Darrell,

    Perhaps you would like my home address, social security and credit card numbers ? I trust you as much as you trust me.


  10. Ed Darrell says:

    ” Care to name the district? ”

    Why would I do that ?

    To verify your claim.

    I didn’t believe you were telling the truth. Ever hopeful, though, I thought I’d ask.


  11. Alan Scott says:


    You really are as much fun as Ed . The two of you are so blind and misguided, but you seem to believe what you write . Well so do I.

    ” Oh you mean like you can back up your claim that things would have been oh so much worse had Gore won? ”

    If you are too tired to back up what you say, then admit it. Do not try to throw it back to me .

    ” So lets see. In the last 5 days you’ve been proven wrong on Obama and oil drilling, Obama and Christmas and well..now this topic too. ”

    You are amazingly consistent with the leftists I’ve had discussions with for a decade. You state opinion as fact and think you have won an argument .

    ” Like I said before, Alan, you’re not half as intelligent and half as clever as you think you are. ”

    Even at half speed I am more than your match.

    ” But please continue living in your fantasy land where the right wing saves the country by destroying the country. ”

    We are not doing such a great job. You guys are still spending us into disaster.


    ” Care to name the district? ”

    Why would I do that ? Anyway , the story is exactly the same everywhere .

    ” Teachers don’t levy taxes. School boards do that. ”

    I am aware of that .

    ” Almost never is a school levy increased to increase teacher pay. I’d like to see that bit of history. ”

    Are you a teacher ? Only someone in the education industry could make such a bald face untrue statement . I would say you have a bright future working in the Obama dynasty.

    ” Why blame teachers for your job situation? That doesn’t make much sense. ”

    It wouldn’t to a government worker .


  12. James Kessler says:

    Someone writes:
    My property taxes doubled because of the stranglehold public teachers have on the public purse. So congratulations, you finally got something right

    Funny..when mine went up it was because the school district had to build 5 schools in under 20 years. As opposed to the four schools that it built in the previous 40 years.

    I have to love that your side has absolutely no problem in CEO’s making billions of dollars but you throw a hissy fit at teachers, firemen, police, soldiers getting a raise.

    Gee..I wonder who is more important to the country…

    Sorry, child, you’re barking up the wrong tree when you blame teachers.


  13. Ed Darrell says:

    My property taxes doubled because of the stranglehold public teachers have on the public purse. So congratulations, you finally got something right .

    Care to name the district?

    1. Teachers don’t levy taxes. School boards do that.
    2. Almost never is a school levy increased to increase teacher pay. I’d like to see that bit of history.
    3. Generally levies are increased for capital reasons — sometimes a bond, more often just facilities. I’d like to check out the story.
    4. Why blame teachers for your job situation? That doesn’t make much sense.


  14. Ed Darrell says:

    My property taxes doubled because of the stranglehold public teachers have on the public purse. So congratulations, you finally got something right .

    Care to name the district?

    1. Teachers don’t levy taxes. School boards do that.
    2. Almost never is a school levy increased to increase teacher pay. I’d like to see that bit of history.
    3. Generally levies are increased for capital reasons — sometimes a bond, more often just facilities. I’d like to check out the story.
    4. Why blame teachers for your job situation? That doesn’t make much sense.


  15. James Kessler says:

    Alan writes:
    And of course you can back that up ?

    Oh you mean like you can back up your claim that things would have been oh so much worse had Gore won?

    Yeah here’s the problem you face, Alan. THe evidence shows that 1: The Clinton administration were concerned about Al-Qaeda
    2: THe Clinton administration was treating Al-Qaeda as a credible threat
    3: The Clinton administration had plans to deal with Al-Qaeda, part of which included ordering the death of bin Laden.

    All of that held true until your boy Bush got elected and promptly started ignoring bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

    That’s the evidence.

    Now unless you’re dingy enough to argue that Gore wasn’t being read into the same intel as President Clinton was and disagreed with Clinton on Al-Qaeda you’re stuck with the fact being that more then likely Gore wouldn’t have screwed the pooch like Bush did.

    So lets see. In the last 5 days you’ve been proven wrong on Obama and oil drilling, Obama and Christmas and well..now this topic too.

    Like I said before, Alan, you’re not half as intelligent and half as clever as you think you are.

    But please continue living in your fantasy land where the right wing saves the country by destroying the country.


  16. Alan Scott says:

    Ed Darrell,

    ” What do you have against cops? ”

    Oh, I don’t know.. My father was a Philadelphia cop and my Uncle was a small town Chief of Police. Can’t think of a thing . Your OWS scum are the ones picking fights with cops .

    ” You don’t want to count jobs saved, Alan? What do you have against working Americans?

    Most of the saved jobs were public sector — teachers, cops, firemen ”

    That is the best piece of honesty I’ve ever heard from a leftist. The public sector workers pay union dues to the Democratic Party, so protecting them temporarily while their private sector brothers and sisters are screwed, makes political sense.

    But the porkulus was supposed to stimulate the private sector, and it failed horribly . Those public sector people ultimately need the private sector to pay taxes, which under Obama they ain’t doing, cause they ain’t working.

    You have one thing right, I do have a problem with public union teachers . Not individuals, but the group. Back in the late 80s my income went down 40% because of the private economy. My property taxes doubled because of the stranglehold public teachers have on the public purse. So congratulations, you finally got something right .


  17. Ed Darrell says:

    You don’t want to count jobs saved, Alan? What do you have against working Americans?

    Most of the saved jobs were public sector — teachers, cops, firemen.

    What do you have against cops? Why do you dislike firefighters? (We can imagine the difficulty you have with teachers . . .)


  18. Alan Scott says:

    Ed Darrell,

    ” In fact, the checkers established, using still-trustworthy sources like the Congressional Budget Office, that the stimulus created or saved a couple of million jobs. ”

    I love saved or created . Cannot be proved or disproved. You know I just saved a man from being murdered. I changed my mind .


  19. Jim says:

    Nick says that if Al Gore had been elected President in 2000…

    Al Qaeda would have actually been dealt with and bin Laden would have been killed about a decade sooner then he was.

    Maybe so, Nick. Maybe so. But then, we never would have had the chance to see The Decider in his snappy flight suit with the big cod piece.

    And who could possibly begrudge him the chance to look all military. He missed out on that chance in Alabama, you know.



  20. Ediacaran says:

    “… imaginary giant spaghetti monster”? Is that like the imaginary “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq that Bush & company used as an excuse to divert the U.S. Military from its mission against the 911 terrorists and use it on a personal vendetta against Hussein (who had nothing to do with 911)? Bush’s useless war in Iraq costs us over 1 billion dollars a week and thousands of American lives (and over 100 thousand Iraqi lives), and combined with his tax cuts for the rich, turned a surplus into deficit and gave us the financial mess the U.S. is in now. Bush & company’s ignoring the terrorist threat before 911 despite the intelligence community’s warnings was bad enough; their inept response compounded the avoidable tragedy.


  21. Ed Darrell says:

    And of course you can back that up ?

    It’s a “what if.” What sort of backup could possibly exist? You’re claiming Gore would have pulled a Bush, and avoided the briefing on the hunt for bin Laden, and then done as Bush did, and called off the hunt?


  22. Ed Darrell says:

    So tell me, how many jobs did the stimulus create ?

    Bill Keller explained recently:

    The Web site PolitiFact, the Pulitzer-winning fact-checking service, recently did a thorough debunking of Republican claims that Obama’s 2009 stimulus program created, quote, “zero jobs.” In fact, the checkers established, using still-trustworthy sources like the Congressional Budget Office, that the stimulus created or saved a couple of million jobs. Case closed? No, the Republicans just went on repeating the claim.


  23. James Kessler says:

    Oh yes, the Obama’s show such hatred of Christmas here:


    Tell me, Alan, does your side of the political fence even bother with attempting to be rational and honest anymore?


  24. Alan Scott says:

    Ed Darrell,

    ” I’d like to know why conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, hebephrenics and Alan think that creating jobs, collecting taxes and paying the bills is “destroying the economy.” ”

    So tell me, how many jobs did the stimulus create ? And I want Net Jobs. Tell me do you know anyone personally who got one of them thar 4 million ” Green Jobs ” ?

    I will concede that Obama is doing a fine, fine job collecting taxes. I betcha thought I never had anything good to say about the man who personally stopped the seas from rising . As far as paying bills, I believe we borrow 40% of all the money we are paying our bills with . Now there is a plan, any economist except that moron Paul Krugman, would be afeared of .

    ” the new President Gore did not call off the hunt for Osama bin Laden, but instead kept the heat on to keep al Quaeda out of action, and put them out of action for good? Might September have been different?”

    And of course you can back that up ?


  25. James Kessler says:

    Duh , , , , I don’t know, like Ask their members for it ! Why ask the Obama Federalies, who will take their cut ? Wait you said Bush was in when they asked. I guess Bush declined then ?

    Again, Alan, they’re asking for a check-off like the “Got milk?” ad campaign. Or the “Beef its what for dinner?” bit. Here is some reading for you to do so you can educate yourself on what they want: In the United States, a commodity checkoff program collects funds though a checkoff mechanism, sometimes called checkoff dollars, from producers of a particular agricultural commodity and uses these funds to promote and do research on that particular commodity. The organizations must promote their commodity in a generic way, without reference to a particular producer. Checkoff programs attempt to improve the market position of the covered commodity by expanding markets, increasing demand, and developing new uses and markets.

    The United States Department of Agriculture is responsible for overseeing the formation of checkoff organizations under the authority of the Commodity, Promotion, Research and Information Act of 1996.

    These organizations are responsible for familiar American advertising campaigns, including “Milk Does a Body Good,” the Got Milk? milk moustache series, “Pork. The Other White Meat”, “The Incredible, Edible Egg”, and “Beef: It’s What’s for Dinner.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_checkoff_program

    And I have no idea what Bush did. Nor do I really care. Point was it’s not “Obama taxing Christmas.” If Bush didn’t like the idea then that was rather anti-business of him since the program is designed to help businesses.

    If you want to bitch about the manner in which the tree growers are handling this then go bitch at them. But quit being a stupid idiot by using it as a means to attack *gasp* the scary black man in the White House. You only make yourself out to be an idiot for it. You have no evidence to back your claim that somehow Obama is going to get money out of it. But there you sit engaging in stupid dimwitted conspiracy theories all because you don’t like the fact that living in a democracy means that sometimes the people will elect people you don’t like.

    Alan writes:

    You talk just like a woman. You expect me to use my well known mind reading ability, to know you are a Catholic. I run into so many offended Atheists . with buffalo chips on their shoulders, that any time I get into a discussion with a leftist about God, I just assume they think he is an imaginary giant spaghetti monster.

    Funny..I’ve run into so many offended conservative Christians with bulls– on their shoulders that any time I get into a discussion with a rightist about God I just assume they think He gave them permission to act like the worlds biggest assholes in His name.

    Oh by the way, if you think I talk like a woman, Alan, then its only because you really don’t have that much experience with women apparently. Which is amazing because you’ve taken Morgan’s place in being the world’s biggest pu— which I didn’t think was possible.

    Sorry, there is quite a wide swath of Christianity that thinks that you and your fellow so called “Conservative Christians” are nothing more then assholes using God’s name to justify being assholes. That you and your fellow “conservative Christians” are the worlds biggest fake Christians, that you have no damn idea how to be Christian and that we’re damn sick and tired of you and your fellow “conservative Christians” making the entirety of Christianity look bad because you simply have no ability to actually obey what Jesus taught.

    Go away now, Alan, you’ve proven beyond a doubt you’re a rank idiot.


  26. James Kessler says:

    Lets see how the country would be different if Al Gore was President.

    Al Qaeda would have actually been dealt with and bin Laden would have been killed about a decade sooner then he was.

    There probably wouldn’t have been a 9-11 since Gore would have listened to the intel.

    There wouldn’t have been tax cuts to the rich or the two wars which means the country wouldn’t have been nearly bankrupt and the economy crashed.

    And the United States would be dealing with getting the hell off oil so we wouldn’t be sending money over to places where the people want to kill us. Oh and that we’d have a pretty strong manufacturing base and wouldn’t have surrendered that to China.

    There would be no budget deficit.

    There would have been no bank bailouts because the banks wouldn’t have been allowed to do such stupid shit as to require the bailouts.

    and everyone would be getting richer instead of just the few.

    Like it or not, Alan, more then likely your life would be better off if Gore had been President instead of your party stealing the election.

    Like I said..you’re simply too stupid to win this game.


  27. James Kessler says:

    Alan writes:
    You mean worse than watching President Obama destroy the United States of America with his left wing economic plans ?

    since the President is doing no such thing and you have no actual evidence to the contrary you’re still spouting bullshit.

    You can be a sociopathic liar all you want, Alan, but in the end…you’re still a liar.

    As for this:But there your party sits blithely ignoring the fact that history shows that every time such a wealth gap shows up that said society crumbles into dust. ”

    Prove it !

    Lets see. What has your party done to alleviate the wealth gap?

    I can’t think of anything. Can you? Considering what happened last time that wealth gap got so large in this country was the Great Depression you might want to pay attention.

    As for this:Spoken like a true revolutionary. Off with their heads. The rich caused the problems. Take all of their money and give it to the smelly hippies spreading lice in the cities .

    I’m not a revolutionary, child. I like capitalism. I like democracy. I don’t want the system to be wholesale changed for something else. I merely want the system to be fairer. My pointing out that unless something changes to fix the system so its fairer that there will be violence is not me calling for that violence. It’s me warning against it. The OWS protestors you love to hate are the canary in the coal mine warning you that things are amiss. And let me remind you, the Tea Party started out the same way before they got co-opted by the Republicans.

    Nor do they want to take all the money away from the rich. They just think that society would be better off if the rich didn’t have all the money. They think society would be better off if the richest 1% hadn’t seen their wealth increase nearly 300% in the last three or so decades. Sorry as this graph rather shows things are a bit too unbalanced: http://ohforgoodnesssake.com/?p=19715

    And seriously the only thing you can come up with is “smelly hippies”? THats what you reduced to? You’re reduced to using terms from before I was born?

    Then the Tea Party is a bunch of old anal retentive greedy son of a bitch fascist a–holes right?

    Since I rather doubt you’re among the richest 1%, Alan, I hate to break this to you: You are not being served by a society in which said society allows 1% of the people to have a 361% increase in wealth while your wealth is barely budging. You are not a temporarily embarrassed rich person. You are not gaining anything by cock—-ing the rich to such an extent that you’re willing to sacrifice things that would be beneficial to you.

    You can rail against the government all you want, Alan, but without it you would be in the streets as a hobo. Because I guarantee you, Alan, your damn party and its rich masters don’t give a damn if you live or die.

    The question you should be asking isn’t “Why is the government taking my money?” because the government isn’t. The question you should be asking as that graph illustrates is this: Why are the rich taking my money? Because that massive increase in their wealth, Alan, came from your pocket.

    And again, Alan, it is your party that f—ed up the country and is trying to lead it to ruin.

    So as I said..enough with your masochist act. I’m tired of b—- slapping you around because you’re too stupid to learn. You’re not half as intelligent and half as clever as you think you are.

    I find it cute that you’d rather be called a Nazi then a “bolshevik.” Since they’re both as bad as each other.

    You can spout that right wing bullsh– all you want, Alan, but in the end it’s just bullsh– that is easily dealt with.


  28. Ed Darrell says:

    You mean worse than watching President Obama destroy the United States of America with his left wing economic plans ?

    I’d like to know why conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, hebephrenics and Alan think that creating jobs, collecting taxes and paying the bills is “destroying the economy.”

    Imagine if your boy Al Gore had been President .

    That’s an alternative history question I find painful to ponder. How would things have been different if, on January 21, 2001, the new President Gore did not call off the hunt for Osama bin Laden, but instead kept the heat on to keep al Quaeda out of action, and put them out of action for good? Might September have been different?

    It’s like pondering, as Norman Mailer did, how history might have been different had Marina Oswald said, “Okay, Lee, you can stay here tonight” on November 21, 1963; or how different things might have been had James Earl Ray been arrested for speeding in California and jailed early in 1968.

    Poor George probably did the best he could, considering his group didn’t think terrorism was any big deal. That wasn’t good enough.


  29. Alan Scott says:


    ” Alan, exactly how is the Growers association supposed to collect their own fee?

    Like do you even put any thought into what you say? ”

    Duh , , , , I don’t know, like Ask their members for it ! Why ask the Obama Federalies, who will take their cut ? Wait you said Bush was in when they asked. I guess Bush declined then ?

    ” ’m Catholic, you dimwit. So yes I believe in God. ”

    You talk just like a woman. You expect me to use my well known mind reading ability, to know you are a Catholic. I run into so many offended Atheists . with buffalo chips on their shoulders, that any time I get into a discussion with a leftist about God, I just assume they think he is an imaginary giant spaghetti monster.

    ” I also believe that your party is going to be in for some retribution from that God for your party’s constant using Him, Jesus and Christmas as political props/tools/whores/weapons. ”

    You mean worse than watching President Obama destroy the United States of America with his left wing economic plans ?

    ” I’ll also spell Christmas with or without a capital C when I’m writing informally. ”

    The spell checker was offended.

    ” So you can take your grammar nazi routine somewhere else. But really…that’s the only thing you could come back at me with on that topic? ”

    As long as you don’t call me a grammar Bolshevik. That would offend me deeply.

    ” Even if the Democrats were running everything..so? It’s not like the Democrats could do worse then your party did. After all, lets remember that it was your party that took a huge budget suprlus and turned it into a huge budget deficit in under 8 years. ”

    Yea, I guess the challenges of 911 , the white powder scares, the terrorist scares, those had no effect on the economy during Bush, right ? Imagine if your boy Al Gore had been President . Maybe that would have been a good thing. By 2004 the country would have been in so bad a shape, that any Republican could have walked into the White House. Obama sure would have never found his way out of the Senate.

    ” After all, lets remember that it was your party that took a huge budget suprlus and turned it into a huge budget deficit in under 8 years. ”

    Securing America after 911 was worth it. And we will not speak of the deficits your worthless hero has run up without even a national security excuse, will we ?

    ” It was your party that crashed the economy and nearly bankrupted the country. ”

    I suppose Barney the gay blade had nothing to do with it ? Look up what he did to cause it.

    ” It’s your party that created such a insanely huge gap in wealth in this country that if its not addressed will tear this country apart. ”

    Spoken like a true revolutionary. Off with their heads. The rich caused the problems. Take all of their money and give it to the smelly hippies spreading lice in the cities .

    ” But there your party sits blithely ignoring the fact that history shows that every time such a wealth gap shows up that said society crumbles into dust. ”

    Prove it !

    ” Your party, despite your delusion to the contrary Alan, has all the fiscal responsibility of a crack addict who just won the lottery.”

    You are right. My party is the party that will not stop spending like a crack whore with a taxpayer credit card .

    ” At any rate let me know when you’re going to stop this masochist act of yours. Because, frankly, I’m getting tired of bitch slapping you around. ”

    :) Bring it.


  30. James Kessler says:

    Alan, exactly how is the Growers association supposed to collect their own fee?

    Like do you even put any thought into what you say?


  31. James Kessler says:

    I’m Catholic, you dimwit. So yes I believe in God. I also believe that your party is going to be in for some retribution from that God for your party’s constant using Him, Jesus and Christmas as political props/tools/whores/weapons. I have no idea where your party got the idea that being the Christian Taliban is a good idea but trust me..it’s not. You know..that whole part in the Ten Commandments about not taking God’s name in vain? Yeah…that would be the part your side is blithely ignoring.

    The real question is what makes conservatives think they’re oh so Christian. After all..it’s not like they ever show any actual Christian behaviour. Your side defines the term “piss poor Christian.”

    I’ll also spell Christmas with or without a capital C when I’m writing informally. So you can take your grammar nazi routine somewhere else. But really…that’s the only thing you could come back at me with on that topic? That and you stupidly questioning my faith? Really? Why didn’t you just hoist up the proverbial white flag of surrender and save yourself the humiliation?

    As for this bullshit of yours:
    And why can’t the growers association collect their own fee ? Why let the Federal Government anywhere near this money ? Especially with the Democrats running everything

    1: They asked for the check off when Bush was President. What party did Bush belong to, gungadin?
    2: Said check off would work exactly like the “Got Milk?” and “Beef, its what for dinner” things have run.
    3: No, the Democrats are not “running everything” so don’t make such stupid claims.
    4: Even if the Democrats were running everything..so? It’s not like the Democrats could do worse then your party did. After all, lets remember that it was your party that took a huge budget suprlus and turned it into a huge budget deficit in under 8 years. That it’s your party that refuses to actually do anything sensible to deal with said budget hole. It was your party that crashed the economy and nearly bankrupted the country. It’s your party that created such a insanely huge gap in wealth in this country that if its not addressed will tear this country apart. But there your party sits blithely ignoring the fact that history shows that every time such a wealth gap shows up that said society crumbles into dust.

    Your party, despite your delusion to the contrary Alan, has all the fiscal responsibility of a crack addict who just won the lottery.

    At any rate let me know when you’re going to stop this masochist act of yours. Because, frankly, I’m getting tired of bitch slapping you around.


  32. Alan Scott says:


    ” I just love how the right wing insists on turning God into a political whore/prop. ”

    Do you even believe in God ?

    ” Oh actually they already got into the “war on christmas” bit with that supposed tax on christmas trees, Ed. ”

    Oh, by the way ‘ Christmas ‘ is spelled with a Capital ‘ C ‘.

    And why can’t the growers association collect their own fee ? Why let the Federal Government anywhere near this money ? Especially with the Democrats running everything .


  33. Oh actually they already got into the “war on christmas” bit with that supposed tax on christmas trees, Ed.


  34. Well considering the jackasses already are throwing a fit over the President *gasp* not mentioning God in the thanksgiving address/speech/whatever…..

    I just love how the right wing insists on turning God into a political whore/prop.


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