Political cartoons: Powerful images, powerful ideas

Sherffius in the Boulder Daily Camera, August 2007 - copyright Sherffius

Sherffius in the Boulder Daily Camera, August 2007 - copyright Sherffius

Sherffius, in the Boulder (Colorado) Daily Camera

The deadline for cartoonists to enter the Ranan Lurie Prize competition at the United Nations is October 1. The winning cartoon from 2006, from Argentinian cartoonist Alfredo Sabat, is one of the most popular images in Google’s image search for “cartoon.”

Images pack a punch. If a pen is mightier than a sword, a cartoonist’s pencil and ink drawing can be more powerful than a cannon.

While we wait for the winners of the Lurie competition, we can look around to see other great cartoonists’ work. Earlier I tried to call attention to the work of John Sherffius at the Boulder (Colorado) Daily Camera. Since then, he’s won the James Aronson Social Justice Award for Graphics for the body of his work. The power of his drawings should be clear from the cartoon above.

Do you have a favorite cartoonist, especially one from a smaller newspaper who has not yet received the kudos she or he is due? Tell us about it in comments — and give links, if you can.

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4 Responses to Political cartoons: Powerful images, powerful ideas

  1. Ed Darrell says:

    Annie, that’s not my cartoon (assuming you mean the one at the top of the column — but then, I don’t draw cartoons, so whatever it is you’re talking about, I didn’t draw it).

    If it’s the cartoon at the top of this post, of President Bush in front of the Vietnam War Memorial, then you’ll need to direct your question to Mr. Sherffius at the Boulder (Colorado) Daily Camera.


  2. annie says:

    I just saw your political cartoon that you drew and I was wondering what is this cartoon symbolize, is it also related to an era’s most important social, political, or economic events and whats its whole meaning to your cartoon. Thank You and hope to hear back from you.


  3. Bob Dog says:

    “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.”
    – Santayana

    “Those who ignore history are trying to repeat it.”
    – me


  4. John Stuart says:

    Blogging has brought about a new media for political cartoonists. I draw a daily political cartoon for my own website “Pushing the Envelope.” This is a new field for satire & political humor.

    Please visit the site at http://www.stushietoon.blogspot.com



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