Stupid birther tricks: Recycled hoaxes

Justice Holmes might have said, “Three generations of this imbecilic video is enough!”

Over at, where the motto is “~*~ Get a clue & wake up! ~*~ The best way to lead a nation astray of its values is to keep it ignorant of its history,” author Lisa DeClue is doing her best to lead the nation astray by planting false history to keep us all ignorant.

Today, this reeker plopped into my e-mail box — it’s a hoax video. Repeat, it’s a hoax:

The only reason Obama wouldn’t want you to see that is because it’s a waste of your time.  It would be laughable were it a high school student history video (I’d flunk it on accuracy and lack of citations).  It’s a hoax from set up to wind down.  It should be put down.

DeClue explains the video was struck down from some site (probably for reasons of taste; this is an assault on good taste and manners, just in the insulting way it assumes the viewer is too stupid to have read a newspaper in the past three years).  It’s now up again on YouTube — a recycled hoax!  This one isn’t nearly as funny nor witty as the Cardiff Giant, however.

DeClue sends out e-mails alerting warning of new posts.


I’ve just come across a disturbing video you must watch that supposedly shows Obama’s dossier from the FBI.  Apparently his actions we know about are only the tip of the iceburg and portend badly for Israel, the war on terror and other foreign policy issues.  Not to mention his abuse of our economy and our rights.  Please post your comments on the blog and let’s get a good discussion going!  We need to come up with some ideas, fellow patriots!  Thank you.

Disturbing in its dishonesty, sure.  I took a look.  I sent her an e-mail alerting her to the hoax, and I left this comment at her site:

This is one of the most irresponsible things you’ve ever posted.

How’s the ride with Osama? Or is the White Citizen’s Council? And if a hoax, so easily disprovable, suckers you in so easily, can it be for any reason other than your own nefarious goals?

FBI doesn’t release dossiers on active politicians, nor on active investigations. That’s the first clue that it’s complete bunk.

Occidental College has a special page answering the questions so stupidly asked in the video [now moved here.] (you didn’t bother to look; you didn’t bother to look)

You could call Columbia to confirm Obama’s attendance there. Lots of others have. You could call Harvard. For the sake of Jesus, he was president of the Harvard Law Review. Nobody but students get to write on to the law review, no one but an active student can even run for president of the organization.

Obama’s birth certificate has been vetted much more than the drilling plans of any oil company.

Shame on you for posting this.

Rewind. Reboot. Time to retract.

It’s probably still up.  The true birther fanatics don’t care about getting the facts.  They are desperate to do damage to Obama’s reputation, no matter how false their claims may be.

Ms. DeClue wrote back wondering how I could possibly know it’s a hoax.  Naif.  I wrote back with more hints:

You could call the FBI and ask.  In fact, I recommend it.

I spent a decade in Washington, and among other duties, I staffed the confirmation hearings before the Senate Labor, and occasionally the Senate Judiciary Committee.  I’ve read hundreds of the reports, I’ve been involved in Senate investigations of how the FBI compiles them, and I’ve followed the Freedom of Information issues on the stuff, especially from the Vietnam protests, for years.

But don’t take my word for it.  Check it out for yourself.

See this news story:

[The FBI doesn’t release dossiers on living people.  The claim in this film is that they got the dossier on Obama.  We know that’s false from the get-go.  The Kennedy story shows how a dossier might be released publicly — a process that is not alleged by the hoax videographer.]

See this non-governmental site on how to get your own file (but not the files of others):

Here’s the FBI’s FOIA reading room information:

How about criminal records on others?  See here:

I’ve listed several sites you can visit in a comment at the post — check them out, to see the education record.  There’s a lot more.

It’s a hoax video.

Sorry you got taken in by it.

What is it with the birthers and other gullibles and hoaxsters around?  Is the trouble we have, with Iraq, Afghanistan, the Gulf of Mexico, the mortgage and housing crisis, the banking crisis, our enormous debts, and a hundred other serious problems, not enough?

But then I listen to Mitch McConnell.  He says he’s not so sure about working to make America energy independent, not when Obama can’t pull a Gandalf and wave the Gulf oil spill away.

Is crazy a virus?

How many errors did you find in that video?  Does it beat Phelim McAleer’s record for errors/minute?

Get on over to Oh, For Goodness Sake, and get some real facts.

15 Responses to Stupid birther tricks: Recycled hoaxes

  1. Joshua says:

    Wow – lots of people need tinfoil hats here, Ed! :)


  2. Nick K says:

    Jono writes:
    I believe Wright …Obama sat in the pews for years without critical comment towards Wright’s ‘unfair indictments’.

    Should we go through the list of Republicans who have had associations with questionable people, Jono?

    Lets start with Sarah Palin’s ties to the Alaska Independence Movement which can charitably be described as a domestic terrorist group. Since their leader and several of their members were arrested trying to illegally buy explosives and use them against the government.

    Then there is of course the Republicans being in the hip pocket of Rev. Moon, who can charitably be described as a religious whackjob. And also Pat Robertson who once called for a nuclear bomb being dropped on the US state department.

    Don’t play games you can’t win.


  3. Jono says:


    “Again, you need to do your homework. You’re demonstrating stupidity and having it pointed out to you. You asked for records that you have no right to see, ostensibly for evidence for stuff you now claim you don’t really want to know, ignoring the volumes of information freely available that demonstrate what you had earlier professed ignorance upon.”

    LOL, I think I was getting at having Obama simply releasing the records ( like John Kerry or Bush, yes people do seemingly give permission). So ( redoing your above conclusion) ….. I would still like the records for evidence for stuff. Stuff which is separate and not mutually exclusive with any other stuff I may have inferred I wanted to know. I am , of course ,not ignoring the volumes of information freely availble which fails to adequately demostrate what I had earlier professed ignorance of.

    MMmh, I did introduce the ‘presidency’ into the mix , very sloppy of me as it allowed you to build something of a straw man in your conclusion.

    Quickly ( as the soccer is on) – Yes , of course I knew Obama wasnt a ‘Professor’ , the media invented that and that was my point. Yes I see “Grutter v B…” in part 2, very topical…I bet every other law lecturer had something like it as well. Interestly the exam went for 8 hours , which included travel time! Obama repudiated Wright , and then Wright repudiated Obama for essentially lying. I believe Wright …Obama sat in the pews for years without critical comment towards Wright’s ‘unfair indictments’. This is what first made me have doubts Obama. After years as a part time lecturer ( or is it ‘senior lecturer’) he then became a Chicago ‘machine man’ politician..such a waste or a good fit? Still love to see his uni records to find out.

    Your Blog , you get last word.


  4. Ed Darrell says:

    Jono said:

    Ed, I AM doing my homework in wanting to see if the record stacks up to the third party accounts . Two ( well written) books may show literary talent but the presidency is a bit more than that.

    Then talk about the presidency, don’t insult his intelligence (and ours). If you don’t want to make false claims, don’t make them.

    First Rule of Holes, you know.

    I am not so suffused in academic culture that the mere mention of an Ivy league school is enough. That Bush going to Yale should have been enough , heck no! I want to know he was a ‘c’ student as it tells me something about him.

    Neither are you suffused enough in history and reality. There’s a difference between the rich son of a rich son getting a legacy admission to Yale, and a black kid from a poor family getting into graduate school on the basis of grades. You should be able to distinguish an admission on talent and performance from an admission based on granddaddy’s alumni donations.

    Or, you could read up on the many stories already done.

    Don’t be intellectually lazy and call it “discernment.” Those of us who didn’t get in on legacy admissions can see through that right away.

    That he allows his transcript to be released also tells me something about him.

    Any time after 1974, you’re running into tightening U.S. law on releasing such details. By the time Obama hit college, transcripts were not routinely released on anyone.

    A little study of history helps.

    There is also the issue of making discernment based on academic awards. Bush didn’t get any. You appear wholly uninformed on Obama’s. Again, your intellectual laziness doesn’t make Obama a liar.

    I’m not forgetting that it’s not his grades you want to see, you claim, but performance as president. You’re not there yet. You asked for grades. Now you admit that’s not what you want, when I offer the evidence to show, without violating privacy or other law, that Obama got the grades. You’re trying to move the goal posts.

    I’m sure Obama’s LSAT were off the chart (or else how could one possibly get into Harvard – it being an ‘unyeilding’ bastion of meritocracy). Then there was Obama’s Professorship (or was it)surely that means some peer reviewed works of scholarship?

    No. He was adjunct lecturer, an untenured, part-time position. Again, your lack of bothering to get the facts doesn’t make Obama’s sin.

    Maybe something on Grutter v. Bollinger , perhaps?

    Unlikely. I think 2003 was the last year of his dozen years of teaching — the case came out in June of 2003. It may have been mentioned in the lecture — but why don’t you take a look at the final exam and see if you see it in there? (Pay particular attention to Part 2.)

    Or did you even bother to do the basic Google search to see if the material was available? New York Times published a bunch of that material, including a syllabus. You should also note that Obama got hired on the recommendation of very conservative professor Michael McConnell (later a federal judge under a Bush appointment). In fact, you could learn a lot by reading that article, good and bad, about Obama.

    Here’s a short excerpt from that New York Times article:

    Mr. Obama arrived at the law school in 1991 thanks to Michael W. McConnell, a conservative scholar who is now a federal appellate judge. As president of The Harvard Law Review, Mr. Obama had impressed Mr. McConnell with editing suggestions on an article; on little more than that, the law school gave him a fellowship, which amounted to an office and a computer, which he used to write his memoir, “Dreams From My Father.”

    The school had almost no black faculty members, a special embarrassment given its location on the South Side. Its sleek halls bordered a neighborhood crumbling with poverty and neglect. In his 2000 Congressional primary race, Representative Bobby L. Rush, a former Black Panther running for re-election, used Mr. Obama’s ties to the school to label him an egghead and an elitist.

    At the school, Mr. Obama taught three courses, ascending to senior lecturer, a title otherwise carried only by a few federal judges. His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law. His voting rights class traced the evolution of election law, from the disenfranchisement of blacks to contemporary debates over districting and campaign finance. Mr. Obama was so interested in the subject that he helped Richard Pildes, a professor at New York University, develop a leading casebook in the field.

    His most original course, a historical and political seminar as much as a legal one, was on racism and law. Mr. Obama improvised his own textbook, including classic cases like Brown v. Board of Education, and essays by Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Dubois, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, as well as conservative thinkers like Robert H. Bork.

    All Greek to you, I suppose.

    Again, your failure to do homework doesn’t make Obama stupid. Nor evil. Nor incompetent, biased, nor any other pejorative you’re accusing without foundation.

    You see , part of the ‘sell’ is that Obama is an academic and Harvard grad. I want to see the paper work , the good works – but there isnt any! For a job interveiw , he turns up with only references! Please!

    He’s not applying for a position as a professor at a research university. You appear unclear on the concept of elective office in the U.S.

    Look , my complaint is with the media , who gave Obama a pass, allowed him to run with his own narrative and allowed him to remain rather opaque when you delved outside of his narrative.

    Your failure to read the written stories, view the video stories, listen to NPR, or do any research on your own, is absolutely no reflection on Obama’s many manifold qualifications.

    Look at the pass they gave him for the Rev Wright business.

    What pass? Obama was dragged through hot coals on the basis of one sermon in which Jeremiah Wright preached that the woes of the nation should be a wake up call to mend our ways, especially with regard to racism and neglect of the poor and downtrodden. It was an unfair indictment. Obama repudiated Wright for later comments.

    But let me ask you this: How much influence do you think any person in the pews has on a pastor’s message? You appear completely ignorant of how churches work. One more area where your failure to do the homework doesn’t reflect any bad light on Obama.

    I am being called stupid , nosey and prurient for questioning this and being slightly sceptical at the sales pitch.

    Again, you need to do your homework. You’re demonstrating stupidity and having it pointed out to you. You asked for records that you have no right to see, ostensibly for evidence for stuff you now claim you don’t really want to know, ignoring the volumes of information freely available that demonstrate what you had earlier professed ignorance upon.

    There’s a huge difference between “I’ve studied this and need more information,” and your “I demand to know, but I’m too lazy to do the work.”

    Teacher can only open the door; the student must walk through.

    This tells me that you have made such an investment in Obama that you have all lost objectivity. And as Obama’s Presidency unfolds ,I find no joy in being vindicated by my scepticism of him.

    You know the rules: You can’t reason a guy out of a position he didn’t get to by reason.

    Your conclusions are unwarranted on the evidence. You know that, of course. No evidence would persuade you to the contrary.

    Your bias and unwarranted conclusions do not reflect on Obama.


  5. Nick K says:

    Jono, except Obama was editor of his school’s law review. And you don’t get that by being a C student.

    And you don’t get to accuse the press of giving anyone a pass when the press has been giving you and your fellow Conservatives a pass for the last 30 years. Bush got the biggest pass of them all.

    You have no evidence to back your claims, admit it.


  6. Jono says:

    Ed, I AM doing my homework in wanting to see if the record stacks up to the third party accounts . Two ( well written) books may show literary talent but the presidency is a bit more than that. I am not so suffused in academic culture that the mere mention of an Ivy league school is enough. That Bush going to Yale should have been enough , heck no! I want to know he was a ‘c’ student as it tells me something about him. That he allows his transcript to be released also tells me something about him. I’m sure Obama’s LSAT were off the chart ( or else how could one possibly get into Harvard – it being an ‘unyeilding’ bastion of meritocracy). Then there was Obama’s Professorship ( or was it)surely that means some peer reviewed works of scholarship? Maybe something on Grutter v. Bollinger , perhaps? You see , part of the ‘sell’ is that Obama is an academic and Harvard grad. I want to see the paper work , the good works – but there isnt any! For a job interveiw , he turns up with only references! Please!

    Look , my complaint is with the media , who gave Obama a pass, allowed him to run with his own narrative and allowed him to remain rather opaque when you delved outside of his narrative. Look at the pass they gave him for the Rev Wright business.

    I am being called stupid , nosey and prurient for questioning this and being slightly sceptical at the sales pitch. This tells me that you have made such an investment in Obama that you have all lost objectivity. And as Obama’s Presidency unfolds ,I find no joy in being vindicated by my scepticism of him.


  7. Nick K says:

    I apologize to Jono for calling him a dumbass and a twit. That was wrong of me.

    I however do not apologize for calling him a racist as the whole birther nonsense is nothing more then a racist diatribe by a bunch of white people scared to death that a black man with a noncaucasian name is President.

    Because it is the height of silliness to think that the Secret Service, the FBI, the CIA, the George W Bush White House, the John McCain campaign, and the Hillary Clinton would somehow have missed where Barack Obama was born.

    But tell me, Jono..what possible reason would Barack Obama’s mother have had to engage in some decades long conspiracy to hide where her son was born?


  8. Ellie says:

    I forgot to mention….in Limbaugh’s tirade, he talks about the homeless person with the Blackberry. Has there been some news that I don’t know about? The last I heard/read, the person with the camera phone had not been identified.


  9. Nick K says:

    Jono writes:
    Actually that’s not true, I already know Obama’s smart, I want to know if he’s done the hard yards, applied the rigor and produced and earnt some good marks.

    SO tell me…you were asking for George W Bush’s transcripts as well, right?

    As for the birth certificate, you dumbass, the Republican governor of Hawaii certified that he was born in Hawaii. Face it..the only reason you question where he was born is because he is a black man born to a white woman. If he was white you wouldn’t even be questioning where he went to preschool much less where he was born. That certificate of live birth is Hawaii’s birth certificate you twit.

    You want to claim he was born somewhere else then it is up to you to prove it..not up to him to disprove it.

    I’d like you to prove that you’re a human being who is capable of intelligent thought instead of a stupid alien from the planet AJHLJGDLJS. I’m sure you’re willing to prove it right?


  10. Jim Stanley says:


    Sorry! You are spot-on about the Canal Zone. I phrased that very poorly.


  11. Ed Darrell says:

    Oh dear , I guess I am ‘ stupid’ in wanting to see Obama’s uni transcripts…you know , to see if the brainy narrative stacks up.

    Maybe a little stupid, yeah, accompanied by a huge dose of nosiness. Where were you when George Bush and John Kerry were slugging it out? Where were you when Eisenhower ran against Adlai Stevenson?

    Your prurient desire to see Obama’s transcripts is understandable, but you can’t legally do that unless Obama releases them. We do know this: The guy is very smart and very hardworking, and he got good grades, if not great grades. How do we know that? We know because the people who know and worked with him, and taught him, said so. We know because Columbia doesn’t accept slackers, and he transferred there from Occidental, which has very high standards. Plus, he got into Harvard Law, which means he had to have great LSAT scores and great grades (take it from someone who has applied there). We know he was a good student at Harvard Law because he was allowed to write for a seat on the law review, because he kept that seat and actually won election as president of the company.

    We could discern that from reading either of his two best-selling books.

    What could you possibly learn from transcripts that you didn’t learn reading his books? What? You didn’t read the books?

    Actually that’s not true, I already know Obama’s smart, I want to know if he’s done the hard yards, applied the rigor and produced and earnt some good marks.

    So, have you bothered to look for that information? Here, try these sources: (See especially that part of the story that talks about Oxy nominating Obama for the prestigious Truman Scholarship — the guy was good, even when just a sophomore in college.)

    Watch this:

    Other business calls. Do your own homework, Jono.


  12. Jono says:

    Oh dear , I guess I am ‘ stupid’ in wanting to see Obama’s uni transcripts…you know , to see if the brainy narrative stacks up. Actually that’s not true , I already know Obama’s smart, I want to know if he’s done the hard yards , applied the rigor and produced and earnt some good marks. We know mcCain basically came last at West Point, and Bush was a ‘c’ Student ..But Obama … heck he’s so smart we dont have to release any transcripts. Yes a small point , which every reference to him being elected to Harvard review president amplifies. Where’s the beef? Or is being good at running for a office all that matters?

    Jim – “you absolutely HAD to disqualify one of them on the basis of birthplace and circumstances, there were more legitimate questions about John McCain. The Canal Zone wasn’t even a state then.”

    Why not Obama…because he was born in Hawaii you say! And the NOT showing his original birth certificate proves this! Oh dear … surely obfuscation leads to some doubt. Now we that the birth certificate ‘problem’. We dont have a problem with McCain because he showed us everything. Obama , though has expended significant resources to fend off legal challenges to shine light on this question … why not get the Hawaiian Government to put it on display for a day . Nar better to employ lawyers and pass State laws to prevent this.

    For the record – the qualification of being naturally born, is stupid. Nethertheless these are the rules others have played by, and potential candidates have bowed out in the past. Obama is looking though he’s hiding something, cheating where others have followed the rules. This could all go away… its not like the ‘truthers’ for which no evidence would be enough to convince them that the Bush lead US Government was not bunch of mass murderers of US citizens.

    ( BTW the Canal zone was never a State -but I get what you mean.)


  13. Jim Stanley says:

    While I firmly believe both President Obama and Senator McCain were perfectly qualified to be President…if you absolutely HAD to disqualify one of them on the basis of birthplace and circumstances, there were more legitimate questions about John McCain. The Canal Zone wasn’t even a state then. Not that that disqualifies him…it was American soil. But if you’re going to pick nits…


  14. Devona Wyant says:

    You’ve set the bar so high in regard to your comment to that foolishness that I can’t think of anything to add to it except, “Yes, what he said.”
    Oh wait, there is one: I believe she is what is generally defined as a ‘political gadfly.’
    As such, not to be taken seriously except by other gadflies.


  15. Ellie says:

    I couldn’t watch the video — computer problems. People such as this woman are not interested in the truth. They would rather believe the lie, I don’t know why. I’m quite sure she won’t check any of the sources you gave her as it is obvious from her own comments on her website that she’s not interested in any sources but those with which she is in agreement.

    Unfortunately, the penchant for embracing stupid lies is reaching epidemic proportions.


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