Perry’s lack of business experience noted — by Republicans

If you followed at all the teapot tempest over the false claims that President Obama’s cabinet lacked business experience (also here and here), this headline must have made you guffaw:

Kay Bailey Hutchison won’t endorse Rick Perry for president, says she wants someone with private-sector experience

No love lost between Hutchison and Perry.  Hutchison opposed Perry for the Republican nomination for governor of Texas in 2010.  Perry was brutal in his criticism of her, and he defeated her in the primary.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry should not count on the support of his state’s seniority senator (and his 2010 Republican gubernatorial rival) if he decides to run for president.

(Polaroid photo by Sarah Tung/Hearst Newspapers)

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Dallas, told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell today that she is looking for a Republican candidate with private-sector experience as her choice for the party’s 2012 presidential nomination.

Perry is a career politician who has held elective office since 1985.

“He certainly has got government experience,” Hutchison told Mitchell on MSNBC’s “The Daily Rundown” this morning, adding that “we need people who have been in the private sector, as well.”

The Republican senator’s comments hint strongly that she’d prefer one of the GOP candidates who has run a business: former Winter Olympics organizer (and venture capitalist) Mitt Romney, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain or former chemical company executive Jon Huntsman.

Hutchison said she has no immediate plans to endorse any candidate.

7 Responses to Perry’s lack of business experience noted — by Republicans

  1. Ed Darrell says:

    Hutchison isn’t trying to get the attention of Tea Baggers. She’s making a statement of her considered opinion.

    Frankly, she may be channeling Molly Ivins, odd as that sounds to those who knew or knew of Molly Ivins. Remember Ivins said, next time I tell you not to vote for a Texan for president, pay attention.


  2. James Kessler says:

    To quote:
    He couldn’t have less business experience than our current President.

    You might want to bother to remember that Bush supposedly had so much business experience and he’s the one that drove the country into the ground. Then there’s the current Republicans in Congress, quite a few of them have so much business experience, and they again drove the country into the ground or rather tried to.

    Oh and you also might want to bother to remember, since your side loves to bash the government and its employees, that Bachmann has been nothing but a government employee of one stripe or another in her adult life. Just like Perry.

    Oh and you also might want to remember that a year ago Rick Perry was advocating treason against the United States of America.


  3. Pangolin says:

    Kay Baily Hutchinson doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of getting the attention of the GOP. She’s one of those old-school Republicans that genuinely put the interests of the nation ahead of her personal wealth or party.

    That’s tantamount to treason with the Teabaggers. If they’re loyal to anything it’s to the Confederate States of America.


  4. Ed Darrell says:

    He couldn’t have less business experience than our current President.

    Well, if you ignore all of Obama’s private sector experience, sure. But if you acknowledge the careers and work of these guys, yes, he could have less business experience than Obama, and does.


  5. Ed Darrell says:

    This is the best you can do?

    No. Don’t blame Rick Perry on me. I had nothing to do with his decision to run for president. Or governor.

    KBH would not endorse any one but herself of a member of her political circle.

    Sen. Hutchison is a long-time operator in Texas politics, in good with both Bushes, and highly respected in both major parties. She’s offered lots of endorsements in the past to people not in her political circle, including people who she defeated in political races, and people who defeated her.

    In fact, she s beng pushed aside in state politics ad she really was never a player in national politics.

    So, you’re not in Texas, and you don’t know much about Washington. Got it.

    (BTW, KBH has a JD, never really practiced and never worked in “business” one day of her life.

    Hutchison had a long career in private practice, big law firms. As I recall, she never spent a moment’s practice for the government. She was a highly respected business advisor, member of several corporate boards, and first woman to head the Texas Bar. She spent all of her career in private business, until the day she was appointed Secretary of State.

    She got her money through marriage.

    She’s made a bundle of money on her own, too. Unlike, say, George W. Bush, she was successful in business, and successful in making money.

    It is fundamental absurd that she should make such a comment.

    It’s a fundamentally absurd issue, yes — but it’s highly ironic that Perry and so many of his supporters complained about Obama’s cabinet having little private experience — and then they turn to Perry, who has not a day’s worth of business experience.

    We’re laughing at the absurdity all the way around, instead of being sucked into it and taking it seriously as some WATs we know.

    She is just the sort of country club Republican we need to get out of power n the GOP f we are to turn this nation around. She is scarcely different from a coastal, elitist Democratn)

    If you’re serious about being successful, you’d probably pay attention to some of the country club Republicans. Generally, one does not become a member of a country club without a high level of business acumen that brings business success. Typical of those smoking the Tea Party product to disavow common sense and good business advice.

    How many state bars have you been president of? Member of? How many country clubs?

    How silly–you are out there grasping at straws.

    How absurd to claim any polemic intent way beyond what is said in a mere reporting of the news. WAT, call you nearest country club Republican, ask for some social skills advice.

    Beyond that, a Democrat, such as yourself grousing about business experience? Another howler.

    You that old saw about keeping your mouth shut so as not to expose your ignorance? You’re in that box now — and stupidly, since I said nothing about Perry but the news from Sen. Hutchison.

    You are just trolling around looking for anything to throw at Perry because you perceive him to be a threat to your agenda.

    One does not need to troll around to find reasons Rick Perry shouldn’t be president, or governor. In almost all the elections he’s run in, his hometown voted against him. They may be on to something.

    You address n real issues here. I do not thlnk that we heard anything out of your corner about Obama and his “lack of experience”, business or otherwise.

    Only the real issue of hypocrisy amongst Republicans and Chronically-Obsessed Obama Haters. You heard a fair deal from this corner about Obama’s falsely-alleged lack of business experience, but you didn’t listen then. In fact, it’s linked, above — you’re not listening now, either.

    How intellectually dishonest you are.

    You seriously think so? After you failed to read what I wrote, accused me of writing what I did not write, and failing to check on the links I provided to give you background so you’d not make unsubstantiated claims, you accuse me of intellectual dishonesty? Underestimating a reader’s skill at clicking links and reading, or overestimating a reader’s intelligence and good sense is not dishonest, it’s just simple error.

    Error I am happy to acknowledge now: I did not realize anyone with an interest in commenting wouldn’t at comprehend this short report, or bother to click through, if interested. How could anyone be so shallow? Clearly I was wrong.


  6. what a tool says:

    This is the best you can do? KBH would not endorse any one but herself of a member of her political circle. In fact, she s beng pushed aside in state politics ad she really was never a player in national politics. (BTW, KBH has a JD, never really practiced and never worked in “business” one day of her life. She got her money through marriage. It is fundamental absurd that she should make such a comment.She is just the sort of country club Republican we need to get out of power n the GOP f we are to turn this nation around. She is scarcely different from a coastal, elitist Democratn)

    How silly–you are out there grasping at straws.

    Beyond that, a Democrat, such as yourself grousing about business experience? Another howler. You are just trolling around looking for anything to throw at Perry because you perceive him to be a threat to your agenda. You address n real issues here. I do not thlnk that we heard anything out of your corner about Obama and his “lack of experience”, business or otherwise.

    How intellectually dishonest you are.


  7. Bob Barton says:

    He couldn’t have less business experience than our current President.


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