Ben Sargent: “Are you better off . . . ?”

Pulitzer Prize winner, and retired (drat it!), Ben Sargent, in the Austin American-Statesman, September 9, 2012:

Ben Sargent, Austin American-Statesman, September 9, 2012

Ben Sargent, Austin American-Statesman, September 9, 2012

It could be a dangerous question for a Republican to ask; voters might actually remember four years ago.

10 Responses to Ben Sargent: “Are you better off . . . ?”

  1. JamesK says:

    But as long as we’re on the topic of small businesses…lets explore Paul Ryan’s vouchercare idea:

    For the following age groups the estimated cost per person in that age group if Ryan privatizes medicare will be as follows:

    Current Age: Additional cost:
    65 $11,100
    54 $59,500
    48 $124,600
    39 $216,600
    29 $331,200

    Gee, David, I wonder what’s going to happen to all those small businesses you and your ilk sure love to claim you want to love and protect when their customers simply can’t afford to purchase the products of those small businesses any longer?

    And then there is the fact that your party wants to get rid of the capital gains tax, the estate tax and the carried interest tax (ie the three federal taxes that actually hit the 1% for anything) while increasing military spending by 2 trillion dollars and yet you all claim that you’re going to somehow get rid of the deficit too. Except the only way you can do that is if you massively increase taxes on the middle class.

    Gee..I wonder what that’s going to do to small businesses?

    Yeah like I said before, David, you and your party’s concern for small businesses is nothing but crock full of bull excrement.


  2. JamesK says:

    Just fyi, David, your party uses small businesses in the same way it uses God, Jesus and Christianity and unborn babies.

    In other words as a pimp uses his whores to make money and then at the end of the night your party beats up small businesses, God, Jesus and Christainity as well as unborn babies.

    Your party has no more care for small businesses then it does Jesus, God, Christianity or all those unborn babies your side keeps on claiming it gives a damn about.

    So spare me your whining about small businesses…it’s the whining of an abuser.


  3. JamesK says:

    David writes:Meanwhile how’s small business going ..which is the driver of employment or it was until Obama decided the Government should give it a run for its money.

    You mean the small businesses that Obama tried giving tax breaks to that your party blocked?

    You mean the small businesses that Obama tried opening up billions of dollars in loans to community banks so they could make loans to those small businesses that your party blocked successfully once and tried to block and failed a second time?

    Sorry, David, you and your party don’t hold the moral high ground on small businesses here because every time in the last 12 years my party tried to help small businesses your party has blocked it or tried to block it.


  4. JamesK says:

    I wrote and then David responsed:
    “Well the Dow has hit its highest point since 2007. Most large companies are sitting on mountains of cash.”

    And you have claim on their money?

    You mean besides the companies I own stock in and the company I work for? No not particularly.

    But it blatantly disproves your party’s contention that companies/rich people will hire if they just have enough money. It disproves “Supply side economics” and shows it to be an utter farce.

    Now if you and your fellow conservatives were rational thinking adults instead of members of a narrow-minded ideological cult you’d all admit that. Instead like stupid little sheep about to be sheared you’re all following Mittens who is saying that you should just cut the taxes on the 1% and businesses more and then they’ll rain down jobs and prosperity from the heavens like God rained down manna.


  5. Ed Darrell says:

    “Well the Dow has hit its highest point since 2007. Most large companies are sitting on mountains of cash.”

    And you have claim on their money?

    No, but it’s a complete refutation of the economics Romney espouses, of giving tax breaks to the rich. The rich already have a pile of money, and they’re using it to build coffer dams to keep it from trickling down to help America. Instead of investing in American jobs, or American small businesses, they’re parking their money offshore in the Caymans, and holding on to the cash to help break unions and create sweatshops in America.

    It’s our money they have, you know, in large part. They accumulated it with tax breaks, a shift of the burden with a regressive tax on the middle class and poor, with federal bailouts, and by failing to grant pay increases to working people who had earned them.

    No, in America, we don’t have a claim on the money legally stolen from us. However, we would be remiss to give more to the thieves who don’t help out. Jean Valjean worked to help orphans. The Kochs, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor and Newt Gingrich, don’t. Given a choice between a policy that favors Valjean over Ryan, on morality alone it’s not a tough choice.

    You sit on your bum , with your hand out and demand what you consider is your due. Your not giving them anything , you wish to TAKE more.

    You and Rip van Winkle — you sleep for 20 years. But unlike Rip, you don’t notice the things that changed while you were out.

    You do know that most corporations have shareholders , that get dividends , that shareholders can consist of super-funds that invest on behalf of workers and retirees… you live in a shadowland , and can see nothing clearly , and you cannot carry a thought beyond your own prejudices.

    Actually, what James K pointed out is that shareholders are doing much better under Obama than before. Stocks are way up. Corporations have a mountain of cash that could be used to create jobs, and according to “supply side economics” hypotheses (clearly disproven), should have been deployed already to give us a booming economy with more jobs and higher salaries for workers. Not only do you pretend to be blind to history, you pretend to be blind to today, to the current news.

    See here:

    And especially, see here, the sad, tragic “what if”:

    Meanwhile how’s small business going ..which is the driver of employment or it was until Obama decided the Government should give it a run for its money.

    Small businesses got hammered same as individual workers did. They can’t get loans to expand from the big guys sitting on the piles of cash. Obama’s aid to small businesses has been one of the few bright spots in the business area.

    Romney’s refusal to help small businesse, while claiming to like them, is one of the more profound crises of hypocrisy since the Civil War.


  6. David.Xavier says:

    “Well the Dow has hit its highest point since 2007. Most large companies are sitting on mountains of cash.”

    And you have claim on their money? You sit on your bum , with your hand out and demand what you consider is your due. Your not giving them anything , you wish to TAKE more. You do know that most corporations have shareholders , that get dividends , that shareholders can consist of super-funds that invest on behalf of workers and retirees… you live in a shadowland , and can see nothing clearly , and you cannot carry a thought beyond your own prejudices.

    Meanwhile how’s small business going ..which is the driver of employment or it was until Obama decided the Government should give it a run for its money.


  7. Ed Darrell says:

    Yes, that’s offal!


  8. Kerry Maxwell says:

    Who would troll patients in the waiting rooms of their doctors?! God Offal Parasites.


  9. JamesK says:

    Well the Dow has hit its highest point since 2007. Most large companies are sitting on mountains of cash.

    So..Republicans..where’s the prosperity and the jobs? After all…you said we just have to give the 1% more money and it will trickle down to the rest of us.

    Or are you willing to admit that the only thing that’s been trickling down is the excrement of the 1%?


  10. JamesK says:

    Well the Republicans are living in a fantasy world in which they think we’ve gone directly from President Reagan to President Obama…


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